Tuesday 20 January 2015

Best weight reducing technique

Obesity is a curse and people these days do everything to cure it, some of them spend hours doing heavy exercises in gym, many take medicines, surgery and spend a huge amount of money but are they feel satisfied after wasting it? The answer is NO. Surgery or medicines have many side effects and it does not cure obesity, it just reduce some fat and after some time the problem remain same.


The most efficient way of reducing weight is doing Yoga. Just 15 or 20 minutes a day can help you reduce weight and have a number of benefits as well. KAPALBHATI is the best technique of yoga which help reduce weight. Kapalbhati burns abdominal fat resources and help you loose weight. It also improves digestion and can cure stomach related diseases like indigestion and flatulence. It sooths your mind, adds a glow on your face and make you more energetic.


  • Sit in Padmasana or Lotus Pose and keep your spine straight and lengthened.
  • Place your hands in Gyan Mudra where the tips of your thumb and index finger touch each other and your wrists lie on the knees.
  • Keep your ribcage and lungs still, relax your stomach muscles and exhale strongly. The exhalation should happen with the contraction of the stomach muscles almost as if you were sucking in your stomach.
  • Breathing out through both your nostrils.
  • Inhalation in Kapalbhati breathing is completely involuntary and happens naturally.
  • After the passive inhalation, exhale once again forcefully.
  • Repeating this for at least ten repetitions.
  • As you start to feel comfortable with the exercise, you can increase the force of your exhalation and increase the repetitions to fifty.
  • Ideally, you should be able to practice this Kapalbhati breathing exercise for ten minutes at a time for the most health benefits.
The benefits of practicing Kapalbhati on a regular basis are undeniable. In fact, many people believe that if there is just one pranayama that should be included in your daily routine, it should be Kapalbhati. Do it regularly and feel the difference.

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